Our Products
VitaminsVitamin C- Micronutrient that helps the immune system by forming a protective coating around the cell. This protective coating aids in preventing pathogens and viruses from entering the cell and causing infection. Helpful in wound healing, oncology patients, cold/flu symptoms, and stomach bugs in keeping the infection down.
Vitamin B12- Supports energy great for fatigue, irritability, anxiety. It helps support some neurological function. It is not going to help someone with low iron production, however it can help combat some of the symptoms experienced with low iron production. Our B12 is MTHFR or methylation friendly, it is methylcobalamin which is a more natural form of B12. Vitamin B-Complex- A combination of 5 B-Vitamins. Can be given in an injection or IV. It is recommended to be given in an IV, because the thiamine can burn a bit. This supplement is also methylated meaning it is more natural. May help with eye and nerve function as well as, heart and cell health, energy and brain function. Sometimes it helps with morning sickness in the pregnant patient. Vitamin D- Only fat soluble vitamin, it is only given in an intramuscular injection. It is absorbed through the skin and mostly the eyes from the sun. It is helpful for bone, heart, and autoimmune disorders. Great for viral prevention when paired with vitamin c and zinc. Taurine- It has multiple benefits. Taurine can give energy during athletic performances. Has been shown to help with heart health and muscular performance and recovery. The higher doses can help relax patient’s complaining of anxiety or depression. Can be beneficial for people that are purely plant based. |
AntioxidantsGlutathione- Glutathione known as glute for short is a sticky sulfur molecule that binds to the toxins within our body. We are able to excrete it through urination and feces. This works as an anti-inflammatory in a way by reducing the total oxidative stress on the body. I have seen wonderful results with management in auto-immune disorders such as arthritis. We produce glutathione naturally, but as we age we produce less and less. Another fun fact is that taking tylenol depletes glutathione production. So if someone experiencing pain from arthritis takes tylenol for their discomfort, they are inhibiting their body’s ability to naturally reduce the oxidative stress within. This works best with repeated treatments.
MineralsZinc- Good immune supporter in addition to vitamin-c. It helps to potentiate other products' effects when added into a package.
Magnesium- Smooth muscle relaxant making it great for migraines, abdominal discomfort, and muscle soreness. Maximum magnesium is great for migraines, some studies show that as much as 80% of people with migraines suffer from a magnesium deficiency. Oral magnesium in the dosing we offer can cause diarrhea. Since we are administering straight IV we are bypassing the GI tract and preventing this. It is also very helpful with abdominal cramping associated with stomach bugs. |
CoenzymesNAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)- As we age, NAD is depleted. NAD aids in mitochondrial functions to support energy production. It helps create new healthy cells and reduce inflammation within the existing cells. NAD helps heal areas of pain and inflammation. It also is known for its anti-aging properties as it repairs old damaged cells into new healthy cells. Some studies show that it helps with addiction recovery. Any addiction whether that be physical or emotional depletes dopamine production. NAD increases dopamine production at a cellular level. Toxins from addictions can drop your NAD stores. NAD can also be helpful with brain health to support those suffering from Parkinson’s, dementia, ADD/ADHD, and anxiety. Lastly, it can help with weight loss by aiding the body in metabolizing fats and carbohydrates.